I‘ve be lost track of time...am I still ‘new’ to CURE, as the most recent hire? I was hired right before Christmas. It hasn’t even been 4 months. Did we get the “stay at home” order two weeks ago or a month ago? I am sure we are all experiencing the same feelings of disorientation to time, anxiety, sadness, helplessness and maybe boredom for others; to name a few. In times of crisis, we seek out comfort and safety. I have some friends and family who are so anxiety ridden they are spring cleaning like nobody’s business, reorganizing their messy closets and painting over fngerprints and scufs on their walls. Me? I have retreated to my sun room, my happy place and barely move. Maybe I think if I get very still, all this craziness, will also just stop. We have had many ‘not sunny’ days, so I keep my litle heater on most of the time to help keep the coldness that has setled into my bones, at bay.
“What do you do all day?” asks a friend. Well.... I have watched about six hours of Webinars presented by Environ- one of our skincare lines. I have been so impressed with their education and training since I started. The science behind their products is solid and the quality of their products are topnotch! I have been using the Vitamin A Step up system, Youth Essentia C-quence Serum with the Defense Cream Moisturizer for about 6wks. What I have noticed is my texture is softer and it seems thicker in a healthier way. The overall oil balance of my ‘combination’ skin as improved. We also had a training with our Swiss Line representative introducing some new products. Stay Tuned for them!!
We all know the healthy behaviors and choices we should be incorporating into our daily routine on a normal day. But it is also very important during these not normal days: drink plenty of water, eat well balanced meals, wash your face, moisturize, wear sunscreen, get some exercise, have some quiet time, sleep 8-9hours/night, limit alcohol consumption, not too much sugar, read, get away from your screen, stretch, think positive thoughts, help your elderly neighbors...etc.... So for the rest of my day I try to be as ‘balanced’ and healthy as I can. But I have watched way too much Netfix- Schit’s Creek to be exact. I’m on my second go around. It just makes be laugh out loud, and I need that. I take a couple Zoom Pilates classes, meet up with my kniting friends over Zoom, eat way too much chocolate in the form of brownies, cake, croissants and candy, a cocktail too many nights in a row. As I said, all of this is done in my sunroom, with my litle heater on or the real sun shining. What is the result? I have dried out my skin, the redness I am prone too has kicked up, my pores are flling up- I’m not glowing!
EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, regardless of how tired and unmotivated I am, I wash my face. I am using the Babor Hy-Oil Cleanse system. Yes it has two parts, but it is just heavenly and worth it! I love the light scent, the feel of the oil on my skin and how my skin feels clean and not dry and tight. It has become a ritual for me and doesn’t feel like a chore. I told you about the Environ serum and moisturizer I use. One to two times per week I put on the Environ Tri-Revival Mask, that I leave on overnight. It is a combination of three alpha hydroxy acids that help even out color, texture and improve hydration. It is amazing!! The very last thing I do after I brush and foss and before crawling in bed is put on my Sara Happ Dream Slip, Lip moisturizer. It is tied for one of my favorite things. It is emollient, not sticky and keeps your lips soft all night long!
But what to do about my dry skin that I have caused by staying in my happy place?? I contact the guru, Chrissy.... We have many products that will help me, but which one exactly?? I decide on Babor Hyaluronic Acid Concentrate. In keeping with social distancing, she left it hanging on her door and I “Venmoed” my payment. I am very excited to try something new and will let you know the results.
In the meantime, stay home, wash your hands, use social distancing when outside, support your local businesses and charities doing meaningful work related to supporting those in need during this Covid-19 Pandemic and be kind to one another!
By: Mary G.